Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday Update

     I gave Vanderbilt yesterday to update me about the HVAC incident. We never heard a thing. Today I called Aaron Hirsch to get the last names of Brian's nurses and to get an update from him on what he might have heard. He gave me the names with no problem. Then he called Karen Broch with infectious disease for an update. He called me back with the info that there would be no investigation as they decided it was just regular dust. I told him that it would be regular dust at my house but not at the hospital! I then called Danett Guy:left a message, Susan Johnson:she has laryngytis. She sais the same thig...no investigation asit wasjust regular dust. She gave me  the name Vickie Brinsko the Director of Infection Control...had to leave message. I called Betsy Kay-Hall with Dr. Lambright to give him an update. She said she'd let him know. Haven't heard from him. I called patient relations and had to leave a message. Then I called Jamie Wyatt to give him an update. He called me back and I let him know how dissatisfied I was with the nonsense. He agreed. Said to give Patient relations time to call me back.
     Mike Garrott Director of Patient Relations called me back around 4:30! He tols me what he had heard about the incident and then asked me my side. I tried to be very deliberate in my retellin and gave him names of people involved. He asked if I would give him til tomorrow to contact these people and get back to me. I agreed and thanked him. I also let him know that I was very unhappy with the situation in it's entirety and the fact that we were left in that room for almost 12 hours repeatedly asking to be moved somewhere else. We'll see. Then I called Jamie Wyatt back so he was up to date on everything. Tomorrow will be another day.

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